Experience Matters.

Вы уже получили причитающиеся вам кредиты?

Recovery Profitability

A variety of zero out-of-pocket cost tax credit programs are available and we know how to help you receive those for which you qualify. There are millions of dollars hiding and we know how to find, uncover, and recover your share. Every day you wait is hurting your bottom line. These benefits are yours and they're waiting for you. Reach out to us today.

a woman in an apron is standing in a store with her arms crossed

Medical Underpayment Recovery

If you're a hospital or surgical center, there's a very good chance that you're owed additional money on your "zero sum" accounts, and we know how to recover it for you. We offer a free medical underpayment review that can result in millions more recovered from the insurance providers. We only get paid when it works. We have helped 100% of our clients in this space recover more (average recovery = 22%).

a hospital bill is laying on a wooden table
  • a stethoscope is sitting on top of a health insurance claim form next to a calculator .


Инициатива по корпоративным льготам

Some programs are so simple and powerful, the only reason more employers haven't done them yet is they haven't heard about them yet. A great example of this is The Corporate Benefits Initiative (CBI). If you're an employer, your employees can receive 15+ free benefits at zero net cost to you or to them. Designed to help them get more healthy in hopes of lowering the future costs of Medicare and Medicaid, the program doesn't cost you or your team members a dime. In fact, as the employer you are rewarded for offering it with a $500 average net FICA tax savings per employee every year.

The Corporate Benefits Initiative helps make the best practices of Fortune 500 Companies available to small and mid-size business owners. The program was founded on the premise that every business owner should take advantage of every incentive program that they are legally entitled to claim. Every employer should be offering this free benefit, for multiple reasons. We can help. Get started with us today!

a screenshot of a website that says employee features

How To Get Started:

The Overview Video:

Help your employees enjoy better physical and mental health and you'll cut down on turnover too (employers who use the CBI see a 40% average reduction in turnover). View the video found here to learn more about how this fantastic "no-net-cost" program works.

Краткое описание проекта:

Нажмите здесь, чтобы просмотреть подробное описание того, как работает CBI, конкретные льготы, которые получат ваши сотрудники, и как эта программа использует правила IRS Раздел 125 «План кафетерия», чтобы помочь вам выиграть по-крупному, и все это без каких-либо чистых затрат для вас или для члены вашей команды.

The Website & App:

Visit our website at https://cbiplus.com then, to get started, click on "Learn More" then "Get Started Now" or just click here to fill out our initial application. Please be sure to include "Certainty Management" as the agent name and support@certaintyteam.com as the email.

The Onboarding Process:

После того как вы заполните заявку, указанную слева, наша команда свяжется с вами, чтобы помочь вам завершить процесс андеррайтинга и регистрации. Это очень просто. Мы предоставим каждому сотруднику бесплатное биометрическое приложение, которое значительно упростит обслуживание и использование льгот.

Any questions? Reach out to us at 888-684-3122 or schedule a time to meet with us in

person below. We're here to help and look forward to meeting with you soon.

Запланировать встречу
a person is stacking wooden blocks with healthcare icons on them .
a screenshot of a website that says employee features
a person is stacking wooden blocks with healthcare icons on them .

Налоговый кредит для самозанятых

Did you have self-employed income in either 2020 or 2021. Were you a 1099 independent contractor during this time period? If so, you may qualify for the extraordinary Self-Employment Tax Credit (SETC).

Qualify and you could receive up to $32,220.

There's zero up-front or out-of-pocket cost to you to apply for this generous tax credit. You keep 75% of whatever we can get for you and our team of Tier 1 tax credit recovery accountants keep the remaining 25%. (We personally receive a 5% finder's fee; most of it goes to the accountants).

We don't know how long this program will last so don't delay. Click here to apply today.

a stack of money on top of a self-employment tax form

How Does It Work?

Закон о первом реагировании на коронавирус для семей (FFCRA) с поправками, внесенными Законом о налоговых льготах 2020 года, призван помочь гражданам Соединенных Штатов выздороветь от COVID-19 путем предоставления малым предприятиям возмещаемых налоговых льгот, которые возмещают им в долларах США расходы на расходы на обеспечение оплачиваемых отпусков по болезни и семейным обстоятельствам своим работникам за отпуск, связанный с COVID-19. FFCRA распространяется на самозанятых лиц, эквивалентные возмещаемые налоговые льготы по их личному чистому подоходному налогу.

Чтобы запросить помощь в любой из этих областей, обратитесь к тому, кто познакомил вас с «Управление уверенностью», позвоните нам по бесплатному телефону (888) 684-3122 или назначьте время для встречи с нами в удобное для вас время, нажав здесь.

a black and white logo for certainty management
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